Train Smarter, Not Harder with WizeAssist

Work Out Anytime, Anywhere with Us.

How Can We Help

Tired of frustration with improper exercise form? Our go to fitness app provides real-time feedback, ensuring proper technique and minimizing injuries. This keeps members engaged, reduces liability, and helps them reach goals faster.

Advanced Technology

Real-time monitoring and accurate guidance ensure efficient training, leading to rapid progress and injury prevention.


Tailored training programs, insightful feedback to empower users to learn effectively, understand exercises, and stay motivated to achieve their goals.


Train anytime, anywhere, with flexible schedules tailored to your needs, even from the comfort of your home through the our app.

Meet Our Team

the WizeAssist team, where brilliant minds work together to develop cutting-edge solutions!

Omer Ben Simon, is a young and talented entrepreneur with a B.Sc. in
Computer Science and deep knowledge of new technologies. His problem-solving skills,
coupled with his leadership vision and passion for fitness and health.

Omer Ben Simon

Co-Founder & CTO

Cfir Croitoru is an accomplished, highly motivated young entrepreneur with B.Sc. in Computer Science, In addition he holds a diploma in mechatronics, showcasing his multidisciplinary approach to innovation, with a vision to transform the fitness industry.

Cfir Croitoru

Founder & CEO

Yuval Levi, is a senior software developer with extensive experience in the startup field. His technical expertise and creative problem-solving skills make him an asset to the team. He is committed to the product’s success.

Yuval Levi

Senior Software Developer

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We’re always ready for a coffee and a chat!

Tel Aviv , Israel